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Each county onboards new Master Gardener Volunteers differently.  Please find your county below for details on completing the application process.  For more information about specific county programs, click HERE 




Allen  Clint Schroeder:  419-879-9108
Butler JT Benitez:  benitez.6@osu.edu
Cuyahoga Michelle Zmarzly:  zmarzly.1@osu.edu
Franklin Mike Hogan:  hogan.1@osu.edu
Guernsey Clif Little:  little.16@osu.edu
Hancock Karl Farwig:  farwig.2@osu.edu
Hocking Athens County Extension Office:  740-593-8555
Lake Susan Cowling:  cowling.8@osu.edu
Mahoning Kristen Eisenhauer:  eisenhauer.30@osu.edu
Putnam Ann Meyer:  meyer.524@osu.edu
Shelby Shelby County Extension Office:  937-498-7239
Warren Greg Meyer:  meyer.213@osu.edu
Washington Marcus McCartney:  mccartney.138@osu.edu
All Other Counties Create an Account to fill out an Online Application


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